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Winter tires: everything you need to know … and more!

Winter tires


You invest thousands of dollars in purchasing a vehicle, so you shouldn’t skimp on purchasing good winter tires. After all, these four small surfaces, each barely larger than a hand, are the only ones that put us in contact with the road. But… which tires to choose? Faced with this great existential question, rest assured: there are no bad winter tires. There are only bad choices.

Since 2008, the wearing of winter tires is compulsory in the Belle Province. From December 1 to March 15, all Quebec motorists who have not fitted their vehicle with winter tires are illegal, unless they have obtained an exemption certificate. However, let it be said loud and clear: even before this provincial obligation came into effect, 81% of Quebec drivers took the trouble to put on good shoes in anticipation of winter.

In other words, four out of five motorists already knew that driving on winter tires could make all the difference. They knew that in an emergency, they would take up to a third less time to stop with winter tires than with tires not designed for the cold season.

But… do we know how to choose the right tires? Do we know how to treat them with little onions so that they will give it back to us in longevity? Do we know that once spring comes, it is better to remove them too early than too late?

What are the best brands?

Bad winter tires don’t really exist. Indeed, all the big brands offer very good products – some would say, however, that the Scandinavian brands stand out.

However, you risk making a very poor choice if you don’t take the trouble to establish your needs. The good tire dealer should therefore ask you a few questions before selling you a product:

Fear not, there is definitely a tire that works for everyone. But remember: a tire is still a compromise. There is no better example in this area than the F1 tire: wet or dry? Now imagine with the winter tire

Does “more expensive” mean “better”?

Obviously! With rare exceptions, a winter tire that demands more than another in the portfolio is worth it in terms of quality, grip, durability and sound.

However, do not try to determine the thing “firsthand” yourself. Because there is nothing that looks more like a tire… than another tire.

However, technology has evolved in recent years. Thus, certain studded tires (authorized from October 15 to May 1 in Quebec) have become so sophisticated that they are much more discreet and that they damage the bitumen less.
Note that studded tires are particularly recommended outside cities, that is to say on roads with little traffic and where few abrasives are spread.

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